拼字, 不是很難的事. 它可以是在你第一次聽到或讀到一個字的時候, 就可以正確地拼寫出來.
J在爾思美語上課已經10個月, 從零到現在, 她已經可以聽聲辨字, 寫出一個又一個單字, 並不需要死記硬背.
在爾思, 我們想賦予孩子自己的力量, 給他們可以自己學習成長的工具, 體會語言的奧妙!
您若想知道更多, 請來我們的免費課程體驗與說明會: (請至以下表單預約2018/7)
Spelling is not rocket science. It can be as easy as hearing or reading a word for the first time and being able to accurately spell it. J has only been at Kids R Us for 10 months. She has learned her ABCs here and here she is, spelling words one after the other. No rote memorization.
Learning should be about empowering kids, giving them the tools to learn on their own. And that's exactly what we're trying to do here.
Learning should be about empowering kids, giving them the tools to learn on their own. And that's exactly what we're trying to do here.
If you want to learn more, sign up for our free demos. (2018/7)
孩子J 聽聲辨字影片請至此觀看:
爾思美語 Kids R Us English
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