給家長的一封信 Letter to Parents

The child is truly a miraculous being, and this should be felt by the educator.
Montessori, 1967
孩子真是個不可思議的生命體, 所有的教育者都應該感受到這點!
蒙特梭利 1967

Dear parents,

Thank you for stopping by. Welcome at Kids R Us. 
謝謝你們來這兒看看, 歡迎來到 Kids R Us爾思美語.

Kids R US is committed to teaching English as a means of communication and interaction – a living and useful skill for learners – rather than just a subject to study, be tested and graded for. 
爾思美語致力於將美語當作一種溝通與互動的工具來教育孩子, 是一種生活化且有用的技能, 而非只是被用來讀書, 考試並給分數的科目.

We firmly believe that we were all born with this innate ability to acquire languages, independently of our degree of intelligence, and communicate with the people that matter to us. Therefore, speaking English is something that any child can achieve. He did it with Chinese. He can do it again with English as a second language. 
我們堅信, 我們與生俱來就有可以獲得語言的能力, 用以與跟我們有關係的人來溝通, 跟聰明與否一點關係都沒有. 因此說美語是一件任何一個孩子絕對都可以做到的事, 他流利的中文是這樣來的, 他可以將同樣的能力發揮在他的第二語言美語上.

So, at Kids R Us, we have created the environment for such magic to work:
所以, 在爾思美語, 我們營造了一個環境, 讓這神奇的力量發生…..

It’s an environment that builds on relationships, relationship between the teacher, the child and the parents. No significant language learning can take place without relationships. Children are creatures of now. So they mainly learn a language to interact with the people involved in their lives. And we work with small classes to allow these relationships to be genuinely authentic.
這是一個建立在孩子, 老師與父母良好互動關係上的環境. 任何有效有意義的語言學習必須在與他人互動關係中發生. 孩子只活在當下, 基本上他們學會語言,是為了要和與他們生活習習相關的人溝通互動. 還有, 在這兒, 我們的小班制, 讓這些互動關係變的真誠且實在!

It’s an environment where learning is a fun and exciting adventure. Through games, hands-on activities, songs, plays, picture books, outdoors classes, real life simulations…children rediscover their sense of wonder and curiosity, reconnect with their playfulness. Suddenly, time flies, they don’t want to go home, can’t wait to be back and don’t want to miss a class. 
在這兒, 學習是有趣且令人興奮的探險! 藉由遊戲, 肢體活動, 歌曲, 演戲, 圖畫書, 戶外活動, 實境互動…… 孩子可以重新發掘那種好奇、”想知道”的感覺, 重新喚起他們愛玩的本性. 突然間, 時間飛逝, 他們會不想回家, 迫不及待想回來, 更不想錯過任何一堂課!

It’s an environment shaped by a mistake culture, making learning safe and nurturing. The truth is, mistakes breed fluency in speaking. So what really matters is not how many times the child makes the same mistake or a different one, but how many times he is willing to have a go. 
這是一個容許犯錯的環境. 事實上, 犯錯可以滋養流利的口語. 真正重要的不是孩子犯了多少次同樣(或是不一樣)的錯誤, 而是他願意一而再再而三的嘗試.

It’s an environment where learning is both demanding and rewarding for the learner, the parents and the teacher. For many and different reasons, English is important for our kids. At the same time, speaking it is a greatly daring experience for a lot of them. So we roll up our sleeves. We walk the talk. We acknowledge and encourage their efforts and we praise and celebrate their tiniest achievements.
在這兒, 對於孩子、家長以及老師, 學習是要需要努力且可以獲得成就感的. 因為很多原因, 美語對於我們的孩子來說是重要的. 但同時, 開口說美語對很多孩子來說是件非常可怕的經驗. 所以就讓我們捲起袖子, 付諸行動. 我們會察覺與鼓勵孩子的努力. 我們也讚美與慶祝他們小小的成就.

Our hope is that the children who join us rapidly become autonomous, confident, and self-motivated learners who will acquire and use English in a way that it fulfills, not only the promise of English as a means a communication and interaction, but also that of the other reasons why they got into learning it first. 
我們可以想見, 來這兒的孩子, 很快地會變得主動積極, 有自信, 願意自動自發地學習. 他們不單單會將美語用來當作溝通與互動的工具, 也會完成當初孩子來這兒想學好美語的各項初衷.

Sincerely yours.

爾思美語 Kids R Us English
Line: skjean   0921-415083
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