外籍老師專欄- 學齡前的孩子與兒童是怎樣學會語言的! (四之二)
Rethinking our approach to teaching English to VYLs and YLs will require that teachers and parents alike become more aware of how this particular category of learners do learn languages. And we will start off by exploring how they do that through doing.
More often than not, VYLs and YLs are not intentionally performing the “doing” in order to learn. The learning comes as a by-product of the doing. They have no conscious awareness of the
learning taking place. And in language learning, speaking is the doing and therefore is the best means of learning the language. In other words, we speak to learn rather than learn to speak.
Because in many situations, learning through doing is taken for making DIY and other “hands-on” activities, it’s important that we draw a clear line between them when it comes to language learning. DIYs and “hands-on” are fun and are an excellent way for kids to learn something or develop their artistic talents. But the vast majorities of them require little language production from the learner if any at all. On the other hand, activities or tasks based on real life scenarios – role-plays, activities based on the principles of information gap, information transfer – which require the learner to meaningfully interact with other learners provide the perfect setting for speaking. They create a real need for the learner to use English to achieve the task he’s been given.
Two important implications which come out of this are:
• Parents or family involvement in the learning process is indispensible to kids successfully being able to speak the language. In fact, people primarily speak a language in order to communicate with people that matter to them. And in that respect, parents and family come first. The journey to getting involved starts with regularly explaining the reasons why one wants his/her kids to learn the language. Far too many VYLs and YLs have no idea why they’re learning English and it’s important that it doesn’t come across as solely to improve grades at school.
• DIYs and “hands-on” activities should be selected and done with a clear language practice in mind and clearly explained to the learners. Otherwise they would just be good for keeping them busy and entertained rather than providing them with opportunities to practice the language.
爾思美語 Kids R Us English
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